Daughters of the King Ministries

For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”

Romans 8:15

Daughters of the King Ministries is created to bring women, teens, and girls to a deep understanding of their true identity in Christ and equip them to live accordingly. Each person that accepts the beautiful gift of grace from the one and only Savior Jesus Christ immediately steps into a position of royalty by becoming a precious daughter to the Most High King. He adopts His girls once and for all as princesses in the heavenly kingdom. The King’s daughters are called to reflect the character of the Father while here on earth to the day they are united with Him. The purpose of Daughters of the King Ministries is to enable women of all ages to make this fairy tale a reality by falling more in love with their King, His word, and who they are created to be.

The Story

Daughters of the King Ministries was birthed through a calling and a dream. In the summer of 2018, the Lord placed within me the desire and inspiration to put into action my passion for women, teens, and girls to find who they are created to be and live boldly in that identity. Since then, I have decided to pursue the Lord and what He has planned for this ministry and His princesses one day at a time. It is my hope that now and in the years to come the King of Kings will dwell deeply in the hearts of His girls and spark within them a passion to live their lives for His kingdom.
— Brittany Crabtree, Founder of Daughters of the King Ministries

Looking for a speaker for your next event?

In need of someone to minister to girls and teenagers?

Fill out a contact form! Brittany has a passion for teaching the scriptures through speaking and writing.