Breathing is the natural intake and output of air to keep the body alive. Breathing occurs without a thought as we sleep, wake up, go through the day to day, and lay in our beds to rest again each night. However, there are moments in our lives that cause us to be more aware of our breathing or lack of it. Moments in which we must remind ourselves to breathe. These can be times of great excitement and joy. You know, those moments that “take your breath away”, such as an answer to prayer, meeting one of your heros, a new job offer, a surprise party, the most perfect gift, welcoming a baby to the world, or that awaited look from the love of your life. Other moments can cause breathing to stall in a completely different way. We all walk through seasons in our lives that can be suffocating, full of stress, strain, and sadness. Instances of heartbreak, loss of dreams, broken relationships, fear, grief, financial blows, changes in our plans, anxiety, and isolation can cause the simple act of breathing to be difficult.
During times such as these, we have to remind ourselves to inhale and exhale. Throughout 2019, I have experienced some of my highest highs and my lowest lows. As I danced with excitement on cloud nine, I continued to breathe. As I sobbed on my closet floor, I continued to breathe. As I walked around in disappointment and grief, I continued to breathe. As I experienced beautiful gifts of opportunity from the Lord, I continued to breathe. Each moment of joy and sadness reminded me to breathe, not just air, but the ever-present Spirit of the living God.
At the beginning of this year, my goal was to continually take in God’s presence and be filled with His Spirit. Despite what the Lord was revealing to me, I thought this process would look similar to what it had before because, well, that’s all I knew. As the months unfolded, the answered prayers came and the hard times bombarded. Breathing in the presence of the Lord became more personal, simple, comforting, and sustaining. Whether my prayers were short, sweet, long, or frustrated, the Lord consistently whispered in my ear reminders of His grace and love through it all. His grace was there for goals I didn’t meet, for the moments when I didn’t live in joy, and within the beautiful gifts He gave me. This grace and love is what I have chosen to breathe. Inhaling and exhaling His presence, His word, and His Spirit has kept me and is propelling me towards what is to come.
What are you taking in and letting out? Are you aware of it? Does it sustain you with true life?
Accept the grace and love of the Lord and Savior. Breathe in His presence with me.
“So I’m breathing in Your grace
And breathing out Your praise
I’m breathing in Your grace
Forever I’ll be
Breathing in Your grace
And breathing out Your praise
I’m breathing in Your grace
Forever I’ll be
Breathing in Your grace
And breathing out Your praise
I’m breathing in Your grace
Forever I’ll be
Breathing in Your grace
And breathing out Your praise
I’m breathing in Your grace
Forever God, forever God”