I love arts and crafts. One thing I really enjoy doing is going to arts and crafts festivals. It's fun to go from booth to booth and look at the ideas and creative works of others. At any given festival, there is typically a booth full of pottery that the artist has spent hours upon hours making. Each piece of their art is unique and created for a specific purpose. Isaiah 64:8 compares God to a Potter, and we are clay in His hands. Since the beginning of time, the Lord has been molding and shaping His daughters to be a reflection of His creativity on this earth. We are created in the image of God as His unique and beautiful pieces of artwork.
From day to day, it can be easy to look at ourselves and see all cracks and broken parts of us. We see the pieces that make us weird, not pretty enough, not smart enough, and not capable enough. We notice the parts of our clay that make us imperfect and not worthy to be a daughter of the King. In reality, our broken pieces are not what sets us out, but what sets us up! We are all a masterpiece of the ultimate artist, our King. Each unique aspect of us is what makes us beautiful and gives us exactly what we need to complete our God-given purpose as we await the heavenly kingdom.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
We are one-of-a-kind creations! As the King’s pottery, we each hold the light of His gospel within us, “treasure in jars of clay”. Let’s shine bright for all to see (2 Corinthians 4:7).
Be you today! Embrace your unique abilities, personality, and story. Allow God to use you for His Kingdom. You are created for it!